
Allied Scientist Grant

Provides support to trainees enrolled in graduate-level training programs that are outside the clinical realm of interventional radiology, but are still considered crucial to the future of IR.

Final application 01/15/2025
Scientists-in-training Research Funding: Grants



  • Proposal development form 06/30/2024
  • Pre-review application 09/20/2024
  • Final application 01/15/2025 Closed


The Allied Scientist Training Grant is designed to provide support to trainees enrolled in graduate-level training programs that are outside the clinical realm of interventional radiology, but are still considered crucial to the future of IR. The goal is to create a collaborative research training environment that benefits from the unique perspectives of established scientists and interventional radiologists.

  • Budget: Up to $40,000
  • Grant Length: 2 years
  • Deadline: Jan. 15th by 5 p.m. ET
  • Additional info: SIR membership is encouraged but not required

Please note: Institutional indirect costs, construction expenses, and secretarial or office expenses will not be funded.


  • Applicants are encouraged to be SIR members, but it is not a requirement. However, the trainee’s advisor or co-advisor must be an active SIR member (note the requirement of active membership status means that either the advisor or co-advisor must be an interventional radiologist). 

  • Candidate should be a trainee enrolled in a graduate-level, degree-seeking program (i.e., Masters, Doctor of Philosophy or equivalent) or a post-doctoral fellow at an accredited educational institution in the United States or Canada. 

  • Students enrolled in a wide variety of disciplines such as engineering, informatics, cellular and molecular biology will also be considered. 

  • It is expected that the trainee will devote a minimum of 75% of their time to the proposed research project. 

  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States or Canada or those who have permanent resident status therein. 

  • Permanent residents must submit documentation of their status. 

  • An exception can be made if an applicant is at an institution in the U.S. or Canada and is on a visa. A letter will be required from the department chair guaranteeing completion of the project.

Are multi-PI applications allowed?

Multi-PI applications are allowed. However, SIR Foundation’s ability to approve a multi-PI grant will be dependent upon the applicants’ institutional policy to execute a multi-PI agreement with SIR Foundation. A contact PI must also be established and identified at the time of application submission. 

Can applicants apply for more than one SIR Foundation grant?

Yes, applicants can apply for more than one grant, but not in one grant cycle. Previous SIR Foundation grant awardees are also eligible and encouraged for the Reviewer-in-Training Program. 

I do not have an adviser or mentor. Where can I find one?

If you are an SIR member, you can access the Mentor Match Program where you can request a mentor that matches your specific interests in IR. 

Can those in an SIR or SIR Foundation leadership role apply for a grant?

The SIR Foundation is a scientific nonprofit organization that was created for the purposes of advancing scientific knowledge in the field of interventional radiology, increasing the number of skilled investigators, and developing innovative therapies that lead to improved patient care and quality of life. It is critical to SIR Foundation that those serving in appointed leadership positions avoid conflicts of interest. The decisions and actions of those in our leadership positions must be made solely for the benefit of SIR Foundation. 

  1. SIR members currently serving in a leadership position in the SIR or SIR Foundation** are not eligible to apply for or receive new grant/research funding from the SIR Foundation during the term of their tenure.
  2. A principal investigator (primary recipient or transfer recipient) of an SIR Foundation grant is not eligible to apply for or receive further SIR Foundation funding until after the completion of the existing SIR Foundation funding. Completion includes submission of a Final Report to the SIR Foundation and SIR Foundation sign off on that report. 

** defined as: Board of Directors; members of the Steering Council or Clinical Specialty Council; and chair/vice chair of an SIR/SIR Foundation committee, division or section.

How to apply

The Allied Scientist Grant encourages participation in the proposal development form and pre-review process, which is located in the grant application. This allows for grant applicants to receive preliminary feedback on their applications from an assigned reviewer/mentor prior to submitting their final applications for funding consideration. Although this requirement is designed to provide feedback prior to the final decision, completion of the proposal development form and pre-review process does not guarantee funding.

  • Proposal development form deadline is June 30, 2024.
  • Pre-review application deadline is Sept. 20, 2024. 

Final applications are due on Jan. 15, 2025, by 5 p.m. ET. This deadline remains whether or not the date falls on a weekend or holiday. Applications that are not complete or do not comply with the guidelines will be considered ineligible.


SIR Foundation

Grants & Awards